
Music Producer

Film scorer


Instagram: zhiyao.t

WeChat: xobeakhyun

Xiao Hongshu: 林迩文Silvan

Silvan Tang

Instruments Performance:

started playing piano since 3 years old

self-learned cello, Ukelele, and Hulusi

played and designed the drum (pop/punk/rock)

Music Production:

started composing since 9 years old

using DAW to produce music from high school time

Music Education:

Los Angeles College of Music

majored in Composing for Visual Media

New York University

majoring in music technology (5-year dual degree program)

Music Genre: pop, quirky, film music, rock, punk, electronics, indie

SoundCloud: Silvan Tang


Silvan’s Music Story

My musical story originated at the age of 3. That's when my parents sent me to study the piano. My mom had never studied music but was good at singing. My dad was an electric bassist and drummer, who formed a band and toured nationally when he was young. Currently, my mom has been a lawyer for over 20 years, while my dad continues to pursue his musical dreams.

When I was nine years old, I heard about JJ Lin, a Singapore music composer. His songwriting and voice mesmerized me. From then on, I promised that I would become a music composer like him in the future. So I started composing on piano at the age of 9 and started using a DAW in high school and have continued to do so ever since.

Songs & Arrangements

Silvan’s Film Music

Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

Experimental Music

Film Scoring Music







Game Scoring Music

Commercial Score (Logo)